Our Services

Arbitration and Titles Solutions - Customized For Your Business!

Arbitration Consult

Have a sticky arbitration? I will provide an in-depth review of the arbitration claim, review all relevant auction rules, policies, and procedures to ensure you are getting fair treatment. After review of your claim, I will make a custom-tailored recommendation to provide you with the best outcome possible.

Custom Arbitration Management

Let me manage your arbitration process from start to finish.This includes everything from opening a claim, reviewing claims that are already in progress, using auction specific policies to determine best outcome, claim tracking, logistics and claim resolution. I will provide daily updates and handle all communication with auction, from the position of buyer or seller.

Title Reassignment Services

Want to get your time back and get paid sooner? I will complete title reassignments and track your incoming and outgoing titles on your behalf, ensuring speed an accuracy. Simple reassignment only, no title rebuilds.